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不是,只是中文核心期刊。 刊期: 双月 ISSN: 1674-3466 数据库收录: 中文核心期刊;中国精品科技期刊 英文期刊名: Bulletin of Botany | Bull Bot 简介: 本刊发表涵盖植物科学各领域(包括农学、林学和园艺学等)具有重要学术价值的创造性的研究成果。


不是 《声学学报》(中、英文版)两刊,是中国科学院声学研究所主办,中国声学学会、声学学报编辑委员会编辑出版的学术性刊物,刊载具有创造性的声学研究论文、实验性论文和重要应用性论文(包括实验工作、理论和应用研究、仪器研制)。   《声学学报》(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) and the 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 (in English) are the publications of the Institute of Acoustics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, edited by the Acoustical Society of China and the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics, to publish original works in all branches of acoustics, and to promote the international understanding and collaboration in the field of acoustics.   《声学学报》(ACTA ACUSTICA, Chinese version) is bimonthly, six issues in a year with about 96 pp of scientific material in each issues, distributed through post office of China. ISSN: 0371--0025, CODEN SHGHAS.   《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 (in English) is quarterly, four issues in a year, 96 pages, distributed abroad through Allerton Press Inc. New York. ISSN: 0217--9776, CODEN CJACDS.


是的Acta Mechanica Sinica中国力学学会主办的综合性、国际化的英文期刊。由郑泉水、史维、锁志刚担任主编。主要刊登理论力学和应用力学领域研究成果,既包括固体力学和流体力学等经典的分支,还包括生物力学和纳米力学等力学前沿学科和热点问题的研究。栏目包括国内外力学及相关领域的前沿研究综述、研究论文、快报、讨论。 该刊被以下数据库收录:   CA 化学文摘(美)(2011)  SCI 科学引文索引(美)(2011)  Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)(2011)  EI 工程索引(美)(2013)  CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2013-2014年度)(含扩展版)

四、中国科学 英文版 sci


中国科学英文版(Science China)是中国科学院主办的具有国际影响力的学术期刊。该期刊致力于推动中国科研成果在国际舞台上的传播和分享。通过提供高质量的英文论文发表平台,中国科学英文版为全球科学界提供了了解中国科学研究的窗口。

















五、科学通报英文版 sci

科学通报英文版 (Science Bulletin) - A Leading Scientific Journal

科学通报英文版 (Science Bulletin) is a prestigious scientific journal that publishes cutting-edge research in various fields of science. It is an internationally recognized platform that promotes scientific advancements and encourages collaboration among researchers across the globe.

With its strong emphasis on quality research and rigorous peer review process, Science Bulletin is regarded as a trusted source of scientific knowledge and discoveries. The journal covers a wide range of disciplines including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, and Engineering, among others.

One of the key strengths of Science Bulletin is its commitment to publishing research that has the potential to make a significant impact on society. The journal ensures that the published articles are not only scientifically rigorous but also relevant to real-world problems and challenges.

Being the English version of the prestigious Chinese-language journal, 科学通报 (Kexue Tongbao), Science Bulletin provides a platform for Chinese researchers to share their work with the international scientific community. This enables the dissemination of valuable scientific insights and fosters collaborations between scientists from different countries.

Key Features of Science Bulletin:
  1. Global Network of Experts: Science Bulletin has a wide network of renowned experts serving as editorial board members and reviewers. This ensures that the journal maintains a high standard and publishes only top-quality research.
  2. Multi-disciplinary Scope: With its broad scope, Science Bulletin covers a diverse range of scientific disciplines. This promotes interdisciplinary research and encourages scientists to explore new avenues of inquiry.
  3. Open Access Policy: Science Bulletin follows an open access policy, which means that all articles published in the journal are freely available to readers worldwide. This facilitates the widespread dissemination of knowledge and allows researchers to access the latest findings in their respective fields.
  4. Fast and Transparent Publication Process: The journal strives to ensure a fast and transparent publication process. Upon successful peer review, accepted articles are promptly published online, allowing researchers to share their work without undue delay.
  5. High Impact Factor: Science Bulletin is indexed by major scientific databases and has a consistently high impact factor. This indicates the influence and significance of the research published in the journal.

How to Publish in Science Bulletin:

If you are a researcher looking to publish your work in Science Bulletin, it is essential to follow the journal's guidelines and submission process. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Prepare your Manuscript: Ensure that your research paper is well-written, organized, and adheres to the journal's guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the manuscript structure, referencing style, and other requirements specified by Science Bulletin.
  2. Submit your Manuscript: Visit the Science Bulletin website and navigate to the submission portal. Create an account, provide the required information, and upload your manuscript. Make sure to include all relevant figures, tables, and supplementary materials.
  3. Peer Review Process: Once your manuscript is submitted, it undergoes a thorough peer review process. Expert reviewers evaluate the scientific validity, methodology, and significance of your work. You may receive feedback and suggestions for improvement from the reviewers.
  4. Revisions and Resubmission: If your manuscript requires revisions, make the necessary changes based on the reviewer's feedback. Ensure that you address all the concerns raised and provide a detailed response to the reviewers' comments. Once complete, resubmit your revised manuscript through the submission portal.
  5. Acceptance and Publication: If your manuscript is accepted, congratulations! The journal will inform you about the acceptance and guide you through the final steps of the publication process. Your article will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and will be published online.

Stay Updated with Science Bulletin:

To stay abreast of the latest scientific advancements and research published in Science Bulletin, there are several ways to keep yourself updated:

  • Subscribe to the Journal: Consider subscribing to Science Bulletin to receive regular updates and notifications about newly published articles and issues.
  • Follow on Social Media: Connect with Science Bulletin on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This allows you to stay informed about the journal's activities, upcoming events, and other relevant news.
  • Explore the Journal Website: Visit the Science Bulletin website regularly to browse through the latest articles, read editorials, and access supplementary materials related to published research.
  • Join Academic Networks: Engage with academic communities and online platforms that specialize in your field of study. This provides opportunities to network with researchers, collaborate on projects, and discover research published in Science Bulletin.

By actively engaging with Science Bulletin and its published research, you can contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and stay at the forefront of your respective scientific field.

For researchers, Science Bulletin offers a globally recognized platform to showcase their work and contribute to the scientific community's collective understanding. The journal's commitment to excellence and its dedication to bridging gaps between different scientific disciplines make it an invaluable resource for scientists worldwide.

In conclusion,

科学通报英文版 (Science Bulletin) is a leading scientific journal that provides a platform for researchers to share their groundbreaking research and discoveries with the global scientific community. With its multi-disciplinary scope, rigorous peer review process, and commitment to open access, Science Bulletin ensures that valuable scientific insights are accessible to all. By publishing in Science Bulletin, researchers can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and collaborate with experts from different fields. Stay updated with the latest research published in Science Bulletin to stay at the forefront of scientific advancements and make valuable contributions to your respective field of study.







光子学报是一个学术期刊,SCI(Science Citation Index)是一个国际知名的学术论文引用数据库,收录了全球各个领域的高质量学术期刊论文。要确定光子学报是否SCI收录,需要查询SCI数据库以查找该期刊是否被收录其中。




《钢铁学报(英文版)》——Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International在2015年度的影响因子再创新高,SCI-JCR影响因子达到0.784,比2014年的影响因子0.675提升16.1%,在材料冶金领域内的期刊排名进一步靠前。2014年冶金学科分区为Q3区(2015年分区暂未公布)。








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